Ski Bindings
How to choose the best ski binding
When you buy a pair of ski bindings it’s important, that you ask yourself what kind of skier you are. Are you a beginner? A novice? Or an experienced skier? A rule of thumb is: The more experienced you get, the tighter you want your bindings to be.
Furthermore, you want a set of ski bindings, that fits your style of riding and your body weight since it’s important, that the bindings release your boots at the right time. If you are a beginner, it is a good idea to get an experienced skier or a workshop to help adjust the release force settings on the ski bindings.
Ski bindings for alpine skis are characterized by the boot being tightened both in the toe and heel opposed to cross country bindings that usually only connect the boot in the front.
Boots and ski bindings must fit
Maybe you got yourself a brand new pair of ski boots and just realized, that they won't fit into your ski bindings. In many cases, you'll need to have your bindings adjusted to accommodate the boot sole length. In some cases, the ski bindings will have to be remounted to work with a new boot.
If you have any questions about compatibility or anything else don’t hesitate to contact SkatePro's customer service.